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Family Business Since 1976 - Proudly Shipping to U.S.A.


What Type of Insulation is Better for Kids Winter Jackets? Down Vs. Synthetic - Goldtex

What Type of Insulation is Better for Kids Winter Jackets? Down Vs. Synthetic

Ever wonder if it is worth spending the extra money on a down jacket for your kids ?

Down jackets are lightweight, durable and retain heat better than an equally heavy synthic jacket.  Down filling provides the most warmth for its weight and therefore is much lighter than a synthetic fiber filled jacket. The downside, particularly for kids playing in the snow is that down does not insulate well if it becomes damp. Therefore down is a good option when weight is important and when it is very dry cold weather.

A synthetic fiber filled jacket is a good option in damp conditions. Synthetic fibers are less sensitive and can withstand more moisture than down without a dramatic loss of insulation capacity. Synthetic jackets are also much less expensive.

Therefore, for most children, a synthetic filled jacket is a better option. When kids are playing outside at recess or when the weather is slushy, the synthetic jacket will work better at keeping your child dry and warm, and it will cost you less. Furthermore, since kids will outgrow their jackets fairly quickly, the extra durability of down fabric are not as important as with adult jackets.

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